These services can be delivered on either a focused one-to-one basis, remote or in the more traditional classroom environment. We work with our customers closely to provide any additional resources needed for practitioners, clinicians, and wider stakeholders; this ensures General Practice is digitally-enabled to encompass best practice.
Highlights of our standard deliverables are:
- New Starter and Advanced Clinical Systems training via a variety of methods.
- Data Accreditation and Systems Optimisation Programme.
- Project planning and implementation support for clinical systems.
- Daily Advice Line for clinical systems queries and support.
- System functionality webinars.
- Bespoke, tailored training as and when required.
- Support of business change in line with newly developed application functionality.
Download our Clinical Systems Training Prospectus here:
Book a New Starter Session below:
Frequently asked questions about our Training service:
How do I contact a Trainer with a clinical system query?
- You can email us at projects@trusted-technology.co.uk
- Call us on 0345 0348690
- Email us at support@trusted-technology.co.uk
- Contact the support team to register for our self-service portal, enabling you to log and track your tickets
How do I request Clinical Systems Training?
- In the first instance contact the Support Desk via the normal channels. They will direct your call appropriately.
Alternatively, the team can also be contacted directly via an Advice Line on agcsu.gpsystemstraining@nhs.net for any logged issues or advice.
How do I organise Clinical Systems Training for a New Starter?
- In the first instance contact the Support Desk via the normal channels. They will direct your call appropriately.
Alternatively, the team can also be contacted directly via an Advice Line on agcsu.gpsystemstraining@nhs.net for any logged issues or advice.
What Clinical Systems Training is available?
- In the first instance contact the Support Desk via the normal channels. They will direct your call appropriately.
Alternatively, the team can also be contacted directly via an Advice Line on agcsu.gpsystemstraining@nhs.net for any logged issues or advice.
- Video Guides
- Training Guides
- Remote Trainer led Sessions
- Online demonstrations
How long do training sessions take?
- Sessions will vary in length depending on the requirement and number of attendees.
How is the training delivered?
- Training is delivered using a mixture of online tools and guides.
Trainer led sessions are delivered remotely via Microsoft Teams.
SystemOne Video Guides
EMIS Web Video Guides