Trusted Technology offers a Complete Consultancy Service from a professional and qualified team of subject matter experts.  Our range of consultancy services are available in full, as a standalone service, or to support your existing team. Our consultants are informed, impartial and will offer appropriate services or solutions to suit your company’s own challenges and requirements, or provide much needed additional capacity

Trusted Technology’s expert team of consultants can help you come up with advanced, bespoke strategies to help enhance your company’s individual IT needs.


We advise on Cyber management and risk mitigation against current and future cyber threat landscapes.

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

Working with customers to review and improve business continuity and disaster recovery strategy and planning to reduce risk.

GAP Analysis

We review against relevant standards and producing cohesive GAP analysis reporting to inform IT strategy.

Business Case Documentation

Here at Trusted Technology, We offer assistance with business case creation to achieve budget and stakeholder buy-in for IT projects and programs.

IT Roadmap Planning

Working with customers to horizon, scan and review IT requirements and standards to inform roadmap and planning.

CIO Service

We can provide you with an experienced and qualified CIO as a service for organisations that do not require or have the budget for a full-time position.

Chief Information Security Officer as a Service

Providing an experienced and qualified Chief Information Security Officer as a service for organisations that do not require or have the budget for a full-time position.

Budgeting & Planning

Trusted Technology are experts at providing strategy, advice, and support to produce IT plans as well as budgets for managing IT spend.

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