Cyber Security
Trusted Technology Partnership supports clients with planning, mobilising, and managing a broad range of technologies, improving cyber security posture and response.
In a continuously changing cyber-threat landscape, remaining agile is one of our core values. We continuously research new products and services to bring our clients the best value, most beneficial solutions from a broad spectrum of manufacturers and providers.
Our experienced team works in partnership with a range of healthcare industry clients to deliver the application and realisation of a robust cyber security strategy and effective security practice, fully supporting the enterprise.
Through engagement, our clients will see the benefits of developing effective governance structures, processes, and toolsets, improving cyber security posture and response.
Cyber Security is of the upmost importance to us and our customers. With our Security Driven Networking solutions, Trusted Technology provides the best for our clients.
Explore our best in class, fully managed wireless solutions. Or get in touch to ask for our help to improve the security and benefit of your existing deployment. A modern wireless service can provide much more business benefit than simple, basic connectivity.
A modern, well configured firewall is an essential component of an effective defence-in-depth strategy. Our experts can assist clients in all aspects of firewall management, including the inspection of encrypted traffic.
Maintenance & Support
TT provide fully managed security services, combining technology, people, and process to deliver effective solutions to monitor maintain and support all aspects of security and associated infrastructure components. Benefit from the support of our nationally accredited, ITIL service desk. Cyber Essentials Plus & NHS Data Security Protection Toolkit compliant supplier. Complementary software development services are also available to further enhance any service.
From small scale to large enterprise or highly distributed deployments, our expert team can ensure network switching becomes an integral part of security focused networking. Enable Voice, Data, Wireless and IoT across a single network.